Continental Compresso



From car and engine assembly to welding robots and critical paint processes: get the most energy-efficient car compressed air solutions. Global network. Decades of experience

Chemical and petrochemical

Find out how we serve the complex requirements of the chemical & petrochemical industry


Our centrifugal compressor solutions drive the fertilizer industry. See how

Food and beverage

Dedicated Class 0 certified compressor air systems for the food and beverage industry. Guaranteed oil-free air for safe and high-quality end products, lowest TCO

Compressed air and compressor solutions for industrial applications

Compressed air solutions that can handle all your challenges. Highly energy-efficient, reliable, durable and available wherever you are.

Industrial Gases

Integrally-geared or single-shaft compressors for your application needs in industrial gases.

LNG industry

Go inside our compressor and expander solutions for the growing LNG industry


For all your marine and offshore applications, no matter how tough the conditions, you can rely on highly energy-efficient and solid compressed air solutions.

Medical and healthcare

Our oil-free medical air compressor equipment is 100% reliable, safe and certified for hospitals, dental practices, veterinary labs or clinical work environments.


Turboexpander and compressor solutions for the midstream sector.


Robust, energy-efficient and safe mining air compressors and blowers for all mining applications. Perform in the harshest conditions

Power Generation

Understand how our compressor, dryer and blower solutions maintain your power plant's uptime


End-to-end compressed air solutions for all railway applications. Highly energy-efficient, reliable, durable and available wherever you are.

Renewables & Energy Recovery

See first-hand how our solutions tap into the vast potential of new energy sources

Wastewater Treatment

For every industrial or municipal wastewater treatment application, we offer you a comprehensive range of oil-free Class 0 certified low pressure blowers.

Glass Industry

Compressed air systems to deliver high-quality, pure and safe glass. Energy efficient and reliable solutions tailored to glass manufacturing.

Semiconductor and electronics production

We help you minimize downtime and optimize your production processes.


Producing beautiful fabrics, with the most sophisticated colors and patterns is an art. Fashion designers entrust their creations to weavers or spinners, able to deliver the highest quality fabrics. Choosing oil-free compressed air assists your business in delivering the highest quality textiles